Friday 29 November 2013

Cosplay Tutorial 3:Magi-Kougyoku's Hairpin

To start this tutorial you'll need:
☆Hotglue Sticks
☆Gold Paint
☆White Glue
☆12 Sheets of A4 paper
☆Craft Accessories
☆Gold Gloss Vinyl Sticker(Optional)
☆Masking/Painter's Tape
☆A Chopstick

☆Glue Gun
☆Craft knife
☆Hand drill & a drill bit/Anything sharp enough to pierce a hole  

Hello!Today I'm going to show you how I made my kougyoku's hairpin.I hope this tutorial helps! :) 

To get started,prepare 12 sheets of A4 paper to make harden paper.Alternatively,you can choose mounting board or cardboard as this process will take a long time.
(However,hardened paper is much lighter than mounting board and is also more durable)

Firstly glue an A4 paper into half using white glue.Make sure that air bubbles does not trap in the paper while pasting as it causes the paper to rip when you cut it.Glue the paper into a quarter and leave it in between heavy books for at least 8 hours.Continue doing this step until you are done with the last sheet of A4 paper. 

After 8 hours,take them out and glue four pieces of the A4 paper together.They will still be wet so be careful not to rip them.You should have 3 pieces of stacked A4 paper after doing this step.Leave them in between heavy books again for at least 3 days.
After 3 days, take the pieces of stacked paper out and leave them to dry completely.(takes about 5-8hours)

Once the paper dries,you will have 3 pieces of hardened paper.Cut your desired patterns out from the hardened paper using a crafting knife and prepare a chopstick.
(Hardened paper is really hard so its not easy to cut it using a penknife.Besides,you have to cut out detailed parts so a crafting knife is recommended for this)

This is how the hairpin will look like when all the pieces come together.

Once done with the previous step,paint the sides of he patterns and
the chopstick with gold paint.I am using 'Pearl Gold' poster paint.At this point,you can paint the whole patterns gold or you can use gold sticker like what I did.
Leave it to dry completely.

Once the paint dries,copy and draw out the patterns on a gloss gold(vinyl) sticker sheet and paste them onto your patterns.(For those who chose to paint,you can skip this step)
Prepare your craft accessories.I am using some beading accessories and rhinestones.
Using a glue gun,hot glue all the pieces together.

Once assembled,hot glue the chopstick to the hairpin and use masking/painter's tape to tape it down tightly once the glue hardens.This helps in securing the point where the chopstick meets the hairpin.Paint it over and leave it to dry.

Using a thread and needle,thread the beading accessories together.

Using a hand drill with a 1.5mm drill-bit, drill a hole at the end of the hairpin and thread the beads through it.You can also use anything that is sharp enough to pierce a hole.Afterwards,hot glue your craft accessories onto the hairpin.
TA-DA! You're done! :D 
Do leave comments on how I can improve my tutorials at the bottom of this post (click on 'no comments')or say hiii! :D

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